Our multi-disciplinary team of dedicated, experienced, and professional counselors and therapists are here to help

can be both our most significant source of happiness and, simultaneously, cause the most intense feelings of pain. We focus on:
- Counseling to help individuals and couples lead full and satisfying lives by maintaining healthy relationships
- Exploring how relationships can contribute to self-fulfillment or drain emotional, mental, and physical health
- Helping people set and maintain clear, consistent boundaries with others
- Listening carefully so we can provide educated, appropriate and effective counseling, feedback and direction

we focus on relationships
Moods, thoughts, and behaviors affect and are affected by the status and quality of relationships. If one or more significant relationships suffer and struggle, the distraction can make it nearly impossible for us to think clearly, feel good, and make wise choices. Conversely, our ability to think clearly, feel good, and make wise choices determines whom we have in our lives and in what way, why, and how we interact.

As our name reflects, our counseling services focus on relationships because, after all, we all occupy at least one of these relationship roles: spouse, parent, sibling, aunt, uncle, cousin, child, friend, co-worker, employer, and employee.
Whether the problem is a recent or impending personal loss; conflicted, confusing, or distant relationships; trauma or abuse; struggles at work or home; or bouts with depression or anxiety, we are here to help.